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Go home and come back with proper documents: KZN Premier

Kwaito star Mapaputsi
Thembi Simelane
Avbob Investment Plan
MANDENI, KwaZulu-Natal –  Go home and come back with proper documentation, that’s the message from KwaZulu-Natal Premier Thami Ntuli to undocumented foreign nationals in the province.
Ntuli launched a clean-up campaign targeted at curbing crime and undocumented foreign nationals in   KwaSithebe, Mandeni on the KwaZulu-Natal north coast.
Many factories in the area were looted and destroyed during the July 2021 unrest.
Locals have complained to provincial authorities about what they say is the take-over of job opportunities by undocumented foreign nationals.
 eNCA’s Siphamandla Goge reports in the video above. 
